Monday, December 15, 2014

Greatest Discoveries: Genetics

Here is a cool video clip we found today explaining some of the greatest scientific discoveries including Recombinant DNA and how it works

Friday, October 17, 2014

Environmental: How We Got to Now

PBS has a new series called “How We Got to Now”.  I just watched the first episode titled “Clean”.  It was all about the how and why of sewer systems, trash pickup (not as much info on this one), disinfection of drinking water (nice overview of the cholera outbreak in London and the link to drinking water), household cleaning products and ended with clean rooms.

.Here’s the link: watch the video and respond below.

How is DNA, proteins, genes, and chromosomes similar? How are they different

Thursday, October 16, 2014


If it has not already come across the list... here it is:
This resource allows you to print current, meaningful, interesting articles in the field of science (and other disciplines)... 
But here is the best part... you can print the same article at 5 different reading levels! How cool is that? The easiest level doesn't loose meaning, it is just simplified very nicely. 
You can also assign an online quiz for the article, or annotate it right on the website, ask students questions about highlighted sections, etc. You may need to sign up for a free trial to access most of the articles.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Using Scientific Journals Online

Many journals publish some or all of their articles online.  To find journal articles or summaries of publications, you can use a searchable database.  A searchable database is a collection of Web pages or articles that have been published or posted by an interested group.  There are searchable databases on virtually every topic.  Well known databases include the Smithsonian Institute's Art Collection, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Library, and Medline.

Some publishers have searchable databases as well.

PubMed is a searchable database of particular interest to bio-technologists, especially those who are working on topics of medical or pharmaceutical interest.  

@ the home page, do a search for HIV, the results are displayed as "hits".  A hit looks like the following list, with the journal name, Trends in Microbiology, displayed after the author and title:

                   Rinaldo CR Jr, Piazza P. Virus infection of dendritic cells: portal for host invasion
                   and host defense.  Trends Microbial. 2004: Jul;12(7):337-345

1. How many hits (items) did you get?
2. List the first three hits (author, title, journal name, date, and page numbers).

How Well Is the Biotechnology Industry Doing?

To retain their employees, companies must keep raising revenues by encouraging people to investing the company or by selling products.  When companies start selling products, they are more likely to be able to retain their employees and possibly hire more.  The long-term health of the biotechnology industry, as a whole, is dependent on the sales of their products.
In 2002, the total sales of biotechnology products reached approximately 24 billion dollars.  These products included human healthcare products, genetically modified plants and animals, chemicals, research instruments, and environmental products.

Find a chart that presents industry statistics

1.  Using Microsoft Excel, create a line graph that shows the amount of sales by biotechnology companies each year between 1995 and now.

2. Print the graph and bring it in (if you do not know how to make a graph on Excel, you can draw the graph on graphing paper).

Where Are Most Biotechnology Companies in the United States Located?

Go to the Biotechnoology Industry Organization's Web page showing industry statistics at

 Find the graph that shows the number of biotechnology companies in several states and provinces and blog/comment on these questions.

1.  Is your state or province shows in the data? If so, how many companies are reported in NJ?
2. List the seven states with the largest number of biotechnology companies.
3. Discuss the graph. Include a reference citation.


Being able to distinguish between right and wrong and to make decisions based on that knowledge is considered "having good morals." Because there are some differences in people's beliefs of right and wrong, some people have different morals than others.  The study of moral standards and how they affect conduct is called ethics.  "Bioethics" is a term that has been coined to describe the study of decision-making as it applies to moral decisions that need to be made because of advances in biology, medicine, and technology.

List your topic (you were assigned in class) and issues about your topic below.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Environmental Science Current Event September 2014

In the news....share your current event for Sept 2014 with your classmates..see if you can include a picture too!

Wildlife Information: Bear

Discussion topics: habitat, food, range of hunt, hunting season, red zones, how to coexist, weapons used, hours....anything related to Black Bears (breeding, feeding, interfering with humans, you may even add a link to an awareness video)

Bear Hunting Season Survey

1. Do you know when Black Bear Hunting Season occurs?
2. How many bears can hunters take?
3. Did you know it is Black Bear Hunting Season in Northern New Jersey?
4. Do you think it is a coincidence that people in North Jersey are being attack?
5. How should/do fish and wildlife officials educate the public?

Fish and Wildlife Game Q/A: Finding a guest speaker

Black Bear Hunting Season Q/A

Preventing Attacks, It's No Coincidence

West Milford NJ

Friday, September 12, 2014

FOS: Microscope

Why do you think we would use a microscope in Biology? 
From your Chapter 1 Reading, who discovered the microscope?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Make Your Own Google Doc Folder

Please copy and paste the link in a URL address and fill out the form then share it with ME


Choose a career and answer the questions found on your worksheet HERE, you do not need to create a powerpoint

BioTech Products

Discuss a BioTech product that you find interesting and tell us why....

Mulholland Drive (google)

Please click on the above URL address, fill out the document, and share it with me:


How are Glofish created? Why? ....and for how long have they been sold on the market?