Thursday, September 18, 2014

Effects of Bleach on Denim


  1. Question and/or Problem:cant put stones in washing machine so how do we make stone washed jeans

  2. hypothesis: water will do nothing and bleach will remove most of the colour

  3. materials: goggles beakers denim cups bleach stopwatches water forceps

  4. procedure: 1. cut 10 by 10 cm squares of denim fabric
    2. in plastic cups we prepared dilutions of six different strengths of bleach
    3. we recorded the time that denim was submerged
    4. withdraw the denim squares
    5. rank the amount of colour loss
    6. record data on a data table

  5. data bleach / water / rank
    100% bleach / 100 ml / 0 ml / 10
    3/4% bleach / 75 ml / 25 ml / 8
    1/2% bleach / 50 ml / 50 ml / 6
    1/4% bleach / 25 ml / 75 ml / 4
    1/8% bleach / 12.5 ml / 87.5 ml / 2
    0% bleach / 0 ml / 100 ml / 0

  6. analysis and conclusion: the experiment supports the hypothesis that if the original bleach solution is diluted repeatedly with water the bleach effect did lessen as the concentration decreases

  7. reference:
    ''inquiry and investigation''
    by Ellen Ungoro
    bench mark education
    biotech: science for a new millennium
    by Ellyn Daughterty
