Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Using Scientific Journals Online

Many journals publish some or all of their articles online.  To find journal articles or summaries of publications, you can use a searchable database.  A searchable database is a collection of Web pages or articles that have been published or posted by an interested group.  There are searchable databases on virtually every topic.  Well known databases include the Smithsonian Institute's Art Collection, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Library, and Medline.

Some publishers have searchable databases as well.

PubMed is a searchable database of particular interest to bio-technologists, especially those who are working on topics of medical or pharmaceutical interest.  

@ the home page, do a search for HIV, the results are displayed as "hits".  A hit looks like the following list, with the journal name, Trends in Microbiology, displayed after the author and title:

                   Rinaldo CR Jr, Piazza P. Virus infection of dendritic cells: portal for host invasion
                   and host defense.  Trends Microbial. 2004: Jul;12(7):337-345

1. How many hits (items) did you get?
2. List the first three hits (author, title, journal name, date, and page numbers).

1 comment:

  1. 1) 275242
    2) Trivedi S, Jackson RJ, Ranasinghe C. Different HIV pox viral vector-based vaccines and adjuvants can induce unique antigen presenting cells that modulate CD8 T cell avidity. The Authors, 2014 Sept. 24. 468-470C:479-489

    Grégoire, Deslandes, Renaud, Bouquié, Allavena, Raffi, Jolliet, Dailly. A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for quantification of rilpivirine and dolutegravir in human plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2014 Sep 16;971C:1-9

    Potard, Rey, Poizot-Martin, Mokhtari, Pradier, Rozenbaum, Brun-Vezinet, Costagliola. Lopinavir/r no longer recommended as a first-line regimen: a comparative effectiveness analysis. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Sep 25;17(1):19070.
