Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How Well Is the Biotechnology Industry Doing?

To retain their employees, companies must keep raising revenues by encouraging people to investing the company or by selling products.  When companies start selling products, they are more likely to be able to retain their employees and possibly hire more.  The long-term health of the biotechnology industry, as a whole, is dependent on the sales of their products.
In 2002, the total sales of biotechnology products reached approximately 24 billion dollars.  These products included human healthcare products, genetically modified plants and animals, chemicals, research instruments, and environmental products.

Find a chart that presents industry statistics

1.  Using Microsoft Excel, create a line graph that shows the amount of sales by biotechnology companies each year between 1995 and now.

2. Print the graph and bring it in (if you do not know how to make a graph on Excel, you can draw the graph on graphing paper).

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