Thursday, September 11, 2014


How are Glofish created? Why? ....and for how long have they been sold on the market?


  1. GloFish are regular zebra fish that have been injected with a florescent protein gene while the fish is still in the egg. After this first egg has the gene, the fish can produce offspring with the florescent gene. These genes can be found in corals, flowers, and some spiders. GloFish have only been created in the last decade.

  2. GloFish were originally created to detect environmental pollutants. They are created by combining the fluorescent enzymes into another fish. They have been around since 2003.

    1. Where are the flourescent enzymes coming from?

    2. Not only from jellyfish, but also from bioluminescent coral.

  3. Glofish were originally created to help test contaminated water during clean-ups. The closer they came to contaminated water, the more vibrant they become; as a sort of distress signal. The way the glofish got its glow, was from Genetic Modification, or Gene Splicing. Scientists took the fluorescent genes found in jellyfish and spliced them with regular zebra fish. This now gives the fish the gene to glow as jellyfish do.

  4. The biggest controversy about the glofish is whether they should be released into the wild because their bright colors make them high targets for prey. Because of this they would die out quickly and not have the chance to reproduce. Glofish were introduced in early 2003.

  5. Glofish are illegal in Califoria.

  6. Scientists originally developed glofish by adding a natural fluorescence gene to the fish eggs before they hatched. Since glofish were made to help detect water pollution, when water is contaminated, the fish are made to "switch" on and fluoresce where there is pollution in the water.

  7. The glowing effect is the result of a new protein created by the fish due to DNA manipulation (DNA encodes protein building instructions). I'm concerned that the new protein may actually be detrimental to the fish's health...

  8. GloFish are zebra fish, tetra fish, and tiger barb fish that have had the florescent protein of a jellyfish spliced into their DNA. They were originally created to detect environmental pollutants. They have been on the market for about eleven years now.
