Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Environmental Science Current Event September 2014

In the news....share your current event for Sept 2014 with your classmates..see if you can include a picture too!


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  5. This article is about hedgehogs and how they are becoming more thinly spread in the UK then people previously believed. Volunteers re going to be setting up and monitoring tunnels. This project is going to happen May to September 2015. This is happening so people can become more aware of why hedgehogs are declining. This will effect the environment for hedgehogs and possibly help them. One interesting thing I learned is that hedgehogs are more likely to be present in areas where there are no badgers.

    1. I never knew how wild hedgehogs were! How are they going to insert the monitors?

    2. Hedgehogs' inky paw prints point to sparse distribution.

      Michelle Warwicker
      BBC Nature

    3. I don't see us as be able to actually monitor all the tunnels and or hedgehogs so i'm curious on how they will spread out this project. The hedgehogs are becoming thinly spread because of, Predators and one of the most killing factors is that they are becoming a sight on the side of the roads and getting run over by speeding cars.

  6. Mostly people living in Africa and Asia are affected by indoor air pollution. It is caused by poor ventilation in homes. This problem has been in effect for many years but it hasn't had much attention until now. Some people, mainly the poor, still heat up their homes by burning coal or other items, and the smoke in the poorly ventilated housing can cause disease and upper respiratory problems. The indoor pollution can build up and easily find its way outdoors. It also kills between 3.5 million and 4.3 million people, more deaths than HIV/AIDS and Malaria combined. I also found that the soot particles from burning coal can cause climate change.

    1. The deadliest environmental problem today is indoor air pollution-killing 4 million a year by Brad Plumer Sept. 15, 2014

    2. So they do not have the correct resources for a safe and environmental friendly heat source. They need to find a new resource so they do not end up dying from terrible diseases.

    3. This is very serious topic because the air pollution and smoke really can hurt people and then it can move from Asia and Africa to America.

    4. The people suffering from indoor air pollution should create new types of homes or structures that have the proper ventilation that is needed to prevent the pollution.

  7. The article I found is about the recent solar flares from the sun that were scheduled to hit the Earth's magnetic field on September 11th and 12th. Though the flares look incredible in the photos, they did however have the potential to possibly disrupt Earth's communication systems. This did not happen. Instead, mass ejections of fast moving particles like dust erupted from the outermost atmosphere of the sun creating amazing auroras.
    These solar flares begin from a natural explosion on the suns surface where strong magnetic fields are. So there is no way to stop these flares from occurring but it is always important that scientists are studying the suns activity in case something bad truly happens with the Sun. What I found very interesting is that a single flare from the sun is the equivalent of ten billion hydrogen bombs.

    1. By Meera Dolasia on September 15, 2014

    2. A Solar flare can cause major damage to the Earth's surface if the flare is strong enough.

    3. They can create beautiful auroras but do no damage.

  8. My article is on how getting limes disease in the united states is easier to get than in any other country, the number of deer carrying deer ticks is higher than ever, statistics say that 2 in every 3 deer carry the virus, although deer are scared of humans and will usually run away when they get too close, this virus is extremely to get and from what people has said, you will not have a fun time catching it.

    1. Very interesting facts

    2. One way that you can prevent getting limes disease is to be careful to not get ticks on you by wearing longer sleeves and jeans in light color so ticks can't get to your skin and you can easily see them on your clothing as well as checking yourself for ticks after being outdoors.

    3. This article sounds good and there are so many facts.

  9. This article is about the people of Moscow and how they, the recyclers are doing whatever it takes to help. This is about how Russians usually do not recycle and how their waste goes to a landfill. They were trying to raise awareness. Then Tatiana Karigina would drive 40 minutes away to recycle. This is taking place in Moscow, Russia. This activity is occurring because people do not recycle and some are trying to raise awareness. There is a “Separate collection” which collects recyclables. I think Russia should recycle and take care of their waste.
    “As Moscow’s Landfills Near Limits Recycle Do Whatever It Takes”- Sally McGrane

    1. I feel like 40 miles is way to much just to recycle stuff, maybe she should start a recycling station in her community so she doesnt have to go far

  10. Name of article: Gulf Killifishes biological responses to oil spills similar in field laboratory studies.

    Date of article: September 10th, 2014

    Brief Summary: Gulf Killifish biological responses to the Deep water Horizon oil spill detected by researchers in the field are similar to those in controlled laboratory studies.

    Key Facts:
    - There were changes in generic expression during the exposure of the oil spill to each of the Killifish that were so far observed.
    - It is causing DNA damage to the Killifish as well as affecting the genes and cell cycle progression, RNA processing and apoptosis of the of the fish as well.

    -If the oil continues to affect these fish, one by one they can start dying out.

    1. The Gulf Killifish is one of the largest Killifish species. They live in the fresh waters of Florida to Key West all the Way to the Gulf of Mexico

  11. A Green Blanket in the Arabian Sea
    by Sindya N. Bhanoo

    This article is about the phytoplankton that are growing on the Arabian Sea as of September. The reason this is a potential problem is because if the phytoplankton population gets too big, it can change the food chain and destroy a whole marine area by creating a "dead-zone area." But if there is a good amount, it can bring species like jellyfish and sea scallops into the area. This issue can possibly be both, a problem (biodiversity) and a help. However, scientists believe there is no solution and nature will have to play itself out. Something I thought was cool was that, the phytoplankton turn the sea an emerald green color because of the chlorophyll and that color is visible up in space.

    1. If there was a species that ate these phytoplankton that would be helpful. But only if that species was already in that environment because bringing a new species into that environment can have the potential to create many problems

    2. The dead zone is the dead zone because there is a low oxygen level there causing species to not be able to reproduce and be controlled there. The phytoplankton is small, and doesn't need to really acquire a lot of oxygen so they can live in this area and reproduce. Showing why, there are so many of them because they keep reproducing in these areas.

    3. This seems like a very interesting topic and I am surprised I have never heard of it before. I wonder why this is only occurring in the Arabian Sea.

  12. In, Heligoland, Germany, scientists are currently working on preventing global warming warming by gathering sun and wind energy offshore. The wind turbines cause less environmental issues and attempts to slow down global warming. Germany has been the leading developer of the anti-global warming technology effort.

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    2. Wind turbines are more environmentally friendly than most other energy sources.

    3. If gathering sun and wind energy turns out to be a very effective energy source that brings positive results for the environment, then other countries should do what Germany is doing.

  13. The article I read was about acid rain and how it is currently effecting the environment. Acid rain occurs when there are high levels of sulfuric and nitric acids. Those acids reach higher levels when humans burn fossil fuels and they are released into the atmosphere. Then the chemicals react with oxygen and water and it spreads throughout the atmosphere. Once the rain reaches the Earth, it enters the water system, sinks into soil, and flows in runoff water. Acid rain increases the levels of acid in aquatic environments which therefore results in toxic waters for the animals. Not all species found in the lakes or streams can handle the extreme amounts of acid. Along with aquatic animals, acid rain also damages forests by draining the soil from the essential nutrients. Also, the acid rain releases aluminum into the soil which makes it more difficult for the trees to take up water. Humans can prevent acid rain by conserving energy, which will result in fewer chemicals being released into the atmosphere. While reading this article I learned that acid rain can form in any type of precipitation such as fog or snow.

    1. Easy ways to help reduce the chance of acid rain occurring is to turn of lights, TVs, or computers

  14. Doin' It \nnn/. Very interesting Bruh

  15. Bringing a Health Hazard Home by Stephanie Strom
    This article was about workers that work in hog farms in North Carolina carry a antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Although that bacteria does not always cause illness, it can contaminate food and cause skin diseases and repertory infections. It is a form of the disease or virus MRSA. MRSA causes life threatening complications. As of 2012 there 75,309 serious infections and 9,670 deaths, which is way too many. The activity is occurring because of an incident called S.aureous among workers in those settings. 86% of workers carry S.aureous. This affects the United States and the planet because it shows the persistence of this bacteria for the first time in the U.S settings. Also it is important because of workers can spread it to their families and in their communities. One interesting fact that I learned from the article is that MRSA is a form of Staphylococcus aureus.

  16. The Article "Farm" in the Asbury Park Press Newspaper talks about increasing the types of food they make on local farms. They are doing this because the people have to drive really far to get the grown foods they want or need. this could help with the costs of the food also. If it is easier to access the foods you want then the prices will go down. They are even thinking of having people grow small things to sell to restaurants in this article I learned that this town wants to come together and improve the agriculture on the farms.

  17. The article is about the semiaquatic dinosaur, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. The scientists have found what is known to be the first truly, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. This article is taking place in Chicago at the University of Chicago. This took place on September 11, 2014 when they confirmed it. This is occurring because they can prove the existence of more species of dinosaurs and this particular one is 9 ft. longer than the longest T-Rex ever found. It affects the planet because it shows how our loss of biodiversity has put these animals in extinction. One thing I find interesting that I learned was how earth was known as home to hundreds and millions of animals and now only a fraction of them are alive today. That has got to say something to us as humans and tells us how to take care of the environment together and what we could do better. One thing I learned from this article was how they find fossils. It looks like an interesting thing.

  18. The article I read is about the law of supply and demand. My Article was about failing oil prices in Russia and Iran, there is so much oil in these places that they are able to lower the prices that are benefiting America. Also the production of Oil in America has been increasing over the years creating completion to these countries prices. These countries are located in the Middle East. This affects the world in a positive and negative way, with the lower prices more people will be able to afford the oil but with everyone purchasing the oil the supply of oil will lower. www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2014/09/12/falling-oil-tilts-political-economic-balance-in-us-favor

  19. California Lawmakers Worry About Pollution Caused By Illegal Marijuana Grows. The letter highlighted the environmental damage caused by such grows, noting that in a single law enforcement operation in Mendocino National Forest in 2011, officers found 56 sites and removed "23 tons of trash, over a ton of fertilizer, 57 pounds of pesticides and herbicides, 22 miles of irrigation piping and 13 man-made dams."
