Thursday, December 11, 2014

How is genetic engineering and software engineering related? Give a specific example of how biotechnicians may use software engineering


  1. Retinal Scanning- The retina contains many tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins. No two individuals, not even identical twins share the same retinal capillary. As a result, retinal scans have a very high rate of accuracy. The user must insert one eye into a device and look a a green dot for a few seconds, then the retina is scanned.

  2. In the united states there is a hormone that is inserted into cows called rBGH. Some side effects of this are diarrhea, diseases of the knees and feet, feeding disorders, fevers, bloat, cystic ovaries, uterine pathology and mastisis. some think that all this is more trouble than what it is worth

  3. For scientists designing a recombinant DNA sequence, a piece of software known as j5 will tell them what the most cost-effective way to produce large quantities of the sequence is, including outsourcing the construction of small portions of the sequence to other biotech companies.

  4. Metallurgical laboratory technicians (MLTs) perform technical tasks that do not require the direct expertise of an engineer or scientist. Some MLTs work in industrial or academic materials research, testing the properties and stresses of newly created metal alloys. Other metallurgical laboratory technicians work in industries like mining, where they prepare and test samples to ascertain the purity and other attributes of mined metals. They also might chemically convert rocky ores into usable materials. Metallurgical laboratory technicians maintain computerized records of experimental data and operate a variety of specialized equipment, including x-ray machines, spectrometers, electrolytic analyzers, pH meters, and centrifuges.

  5. Tools have been created to work by the behavioral traits of people. Scientists have incorporated one's voice pattern, speech and things like signature to categorize and recognize who the persons is. Things like this are being used very freqently in the every day world now and it is a more safe way for one to access his/her personal data and information in a way no one else can access because that everyone is unique no two voices or way of writing or anything else in that category are the same between people.

  6. In forensic crime investigations the victim's face is often decayed to the point where it is unrecognizable or just a skull. Forensic anthropologists and scientists then use a special program to attempt to reconstruct the face. Scientists take the measurements of the skull and put it into the program to try to recreate the face. The software creates a 3D image of what the victims face potentially looked like.

  7. Fingerprint Recognition : This type of bio metric measure refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are of one many forms of bio metrics, this one is possibly the most convenient one. This bio metric measure is used to identify individuals and verify their identity. Fingerprint Recognition is often used in several kinds of facilities, including banks, social security offices, forensic offices, and even high schools or universities (if they were allowed to have these kinds of measures implemented.)

  8. Genetic Engineering is the manipulation of a certain organisms genome. Software Engineering is the application to develop and design new software. Doctors and Scientists are researching and hopefully finding out new ways to be able to detect cancerous tumors on a patient before they fully develop on the person through the computer. Through the computers, the doctors will then not only be able to detect the tumors early on, but then treat them through machines on the computer to the person as well.

  9. Genetic engineering and software engineering both work to decode either DNA sequences or lines of code. These codes of DNA found in living things or lines of code in a computer can be changed to make the person or computer do different things. Scientists use genetic engineering to manipulate a species' DNA sequence, to create organisms like virus resistant papayas from Hawaii. In software engineering, a software engineer can change the code in a computer to make it do a specific thing, like move an animated character.
