Thursday, February 19, 2015

Can your diet help put you in a good mood (or a bad one)?

Can your diet really help put you in a good mood? And can what you choose to eat or drink encourage bad moods or mild depression?
While certain diets or foods may not ease depression (or put you instantly in a better mood), they may help as part of an overall treatment plan. There's more and more research indicating that, in some ways, diet may influence mood. We don't have the whole story yet, but there are some interesting clues.
Basically the science of food's affect on mood is based on this: Dietary changes can bring about changes in our brain structure (chemically and physiologically), which can lead to altered behavior.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


1. When finished copy all the information from the chart in your notes.

2. Then reduce your water consumption by 25% and write down how you did it. 

3. Choose an article from the list from the below website and give a 1 paragraph summary